We have the sweetest next door neighbours known to man! Bob and Doreen are amazing! We share a garden with them and frankly, thank God for that! Bob has the greenest thumb this side of the Fraser River. Thanks to them, our garden always looks lush and green with all the bells and whistles (we even have a little fountain...cute, no?).
So here's a story about Bob.
My mum and I left the house on Saturday morning only to glance over and notice that there were balloons framing Bob and Doreen's door, streamers everywhere, and a sign in our garden that said "Honk for Bob's 80th!". After talking with our lovely neighbour, we found out that on Friday night, Bob's two daughters visited, made sure him and Doreen were asleep and crept out into the garden at 1:00 in the morning to decorate the mother out of Bob's door and the garden! So Saturday was filled with car horns galore and exclamations of "Happy Birthday, Bob!"
Being the bakers that we are, my mom and I decided to whip up some birthday cupcakes for Bob.
What you see below are what we like to call our "After Eight" Cupcakes. They are the darkest chocolate cupcakes with a mint chocolate ganache and a few green sprinkles (and a flower, to boot)!
Happy Birthday, Bob!
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